

Share & Compare

Share Images

Upload a Gauge competition with 2-4 images.

Compete with Friends

Challenge your friends to see who can get the most votes.

Get Stats

See which image your friends like best with quick percentages and statistics.

3 Poll Types

A gauge can be either "Rank 1-3," "Pick 1," or "Competition."

Pick 1 Gauge

Post up to 4 pictures to a gauge and have your users vote on which one is the best of them all.

Rank 1-3 Gauge

Post 3 or 4 pictures to a gauge and have your users vote on which one is the best, second best, and third best.

Competition Gauge

Create a category for a gauge, post a picture of your own to it, and invite up to 3 friends to post a picture of their own to the gauge. Followers will then vote to determine whose is the best.